“It was a good day for Clay Buchholz,” said Red Sox manager John Farrell. “He’s responded favorably to treatment. His range of motion is good. His strength is good. He still has some sensation in a smaller spot, more localized than [Tuesday]. He actually went out and threw after the workout, not off the mound, but he was able to put a ball back in his hand. It was an encouraging day for him.”
So as you see, Buchholz does not feel that this strain will be big, and he will be able to come back on the mound soon. If you don't know, a hamstring strain is an injury that happens in the legs. Buchholz said his legs felt much better today. This is a good sign and he will most likely be able to recover and pitch soon. This is a good thing for me because he's my favorite Boston pitcher, if you didn't know. GO GET EM BUCHHOLZ!
- DJ
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