Barry Bonds (left) Roger Clemens (right)
So it's been a while since I posted because there hasn't been much news but today, the baseball hall of fame results came in. AND.................................. NOBODY GOT IN! This was the first time since 1996 that no player has been elected to the Baseball Hall Of Fame. So everyone struck out on getting in because well, it was a tough ballot this year. I mean there were tons of controversial arguments about steroids and how some players like Bonds, Clemens, Piazza, and McGwire, used them. Since there has been no proof of them using steroids, we cannot say they did, but steroids were a popular thing back in the 90's because the MLB never did that many drug tests, and these players were jacked up to the max. Anyways, my vote for a player to get in would probably be Bonds or Clemens because they still dominated when MLB started doing tests. So here's the top 10 finishers.

So as you see, people like Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds were at the bottom probably because of controversial steroid use. I like how Curt Schilling was number 7 because it means that people want him in. Mike Piazza was number 4 for the catcher with most home runs and Craig Biggio was number 1 with 388 votes. Biggio had 3,000 hits in his career and was never really in the steroid talks. Here's what MLB had to say about this:
“Major League Baseball recognizes that election to the Hall of Fame is our game’s most extraordinary individual honor. Achieving enshrinement in Cooperstown is difficult, as it should be, and there have been seven other years when no one was elected by the Baseball Writers’ Association of America. While this year did not produce an electee, there are many worthy candidates who will merit consideration in the future. We respect both the longstanding process that the Hall of Fame has in place and the role of the BBWAA, whose members have voted in the Hall of Fame’s elections since 1936.”
And here's what Hall Of Fame president Jeff Idelson had to say about this.
"Writers have had a lot of consternation [this year] about who they decided to pick and this made it one of the most talked about classes in history," he said. "I think we have to remember that a snap shot in time is not one ballot, but 15, the most times a player can appear on the ballot. And for some of the people on this ballot that journey is just beginning."
So yeah, nobody made it in and not everyone expected this. Next year even more great players will be on the list and it'll be a more tough choice to make. Anyways, with the Hall Of Fame announcement made, we are nearing the baseball season. Spring Training will be here in February and then March, and here come's baseball in April! I can't wait. Also, the world baseball classic will be in March. Also, one more very important thing to say.
The Patriots will be facing the Houston Texans in the 2nd round of playoffs. The Patriots crushed the Texans in their Week 14 match up but this could be a different game. I think the Patriots are going to win, but not get a blowout win. Anyways, lets rout for the Patriots and hope they win! LET'S GO PATRIOTS!
- DJ
he he. Everyone "struck out" on getting in. Get it?